Day 3 - That Was Unexpected

“For we were not making up clever stories, when we told you about the powerful coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. We saw his majestic splendour with our own eyes” (2 Peter 1:16).
Fairytales are such fun to read. We read about dastardly villains and dashing heroes, unlikely events and the battle between good and evil. Sometimes, the life of Jesus can sound like a fairytale too—even though it isn’t. You see, before Jesus was born, lots of people had studied the Scriptures and were expecting the Messiah to arrive, but they didn’t expect Him to come like He did.

Free Kids Craft

Today's topic was all about celebrating Jesus, the Messiah who arrived in surprising circumstances as a newborn baby. The story of the birth of Jesus was a good-news story that was so unexpected.
We have a free downloadable craft of a Christmas decoration that says, “Unexpected Saviour” to remind you of this event. Share your Christmas decorations to our social media pages #RTB21


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